USCIS Released August 2021 Visa Bulletin: EB-1 Priority dates remain “Current”

August 2021 Visa Bulletin: The Bulletin includes both Final Action Dates and Dates for Filing Visa Applications.

Under the August 2021 Visa Bulletin, the first employment-based categories, EB-1, remain “current” for all chargeability areas (China, India, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, Central America, and the rest of the world). This means that all applicants chargeable to this allocation may continue to file adjustment status applications in August 2021.

There are slow-to-moderate advancements in priority dates for India and China in the employment-based final action dates (EB2 & EB3). It is predicted that the new fiscal year will fetch noteworthy advancements in all impacted classifications, particularly EB2 and EB3 for India and China.

Priority Dates: Generally, the priority date is the date when the immigrant petition is properly filed with USCIS.  In some instances, the priority date is when the labor certification application was accepted for processing by the Department of Labor.

Final Action Dates: Final action dates are based on both the green card category and the chargeability area- your country of origin.